This webpage from is an excellent starting point. If you are able to listen to the audio portion you will be able to hear the name of the constants and the sound that they make. The vowels do not have names like the constants, they just have their own sound as their name.
There is also a great page from Learn Hangul here. You can click on any of the character sets and hear it pronounced. The chart is arranged a little bit differently from normal hangul charts, such as this one, because there are 7 mini lessons attached with to it.
If you are a bit more of a visual learner, this webpage has 3 charts that can be printed on A4 size paper, the constants are all different colors, which might help some people tell them apart.
If you want to install the Korean keyboard, so you are able to type in Korean, here is the place to go. Remember that you will need to restart your computer in order to start using the keyboard.
Here is a great little series of videos from
Episode 1 has 1 constant and 2 vowels: 이응 (ᄋ) which only makes a sound when it is at the end of a word, but is used as a place holder at being of words and is silent then; ㅏis the first vowel in the alphabet; andㅣthe last vowel in the alphabet.
Episode 2 has 3 vowels; ㅓ, ㅕ, and ㅑ.
Episode 3 has 5 vowels; ㅗ, ㅜ, ㅛ, ㅠ, and ㅡ.
Episode 4 has 3 constants; 기역 (ᄀ), 키읔 (ᄏ), and 히읕 (ᄒ.)
Episode 5 has 4 constants; 니은 (ᄂ), 디귿 (ᄃ), 티읕 (ᄐ), and 리을 (ᄅ.)
Episode 6 has 3 constants; 미음 (ᄆ), 비읍 (ᄇ), and 피읖 (ᄑ.)
And lastly episode 7, the last 3 constants look similar; 시옷 (ᄉ), 지읒 (ᄌ), 치읓 (ᄎ.)
Practice your pronunciation time:
Time to review the constants and vocabulary practice, these are from Talk to me in Korean:
EDIT: Added April 2, 2015 Worksheet to practice 기역+vowels.
EDIT: Added April 2, 2015 Worksheet to practice 니은+vowels.
EDIT: Added April 2, 2015 Worksheet to practice 디귿+vowels.
EDIT: Added April 2, 2015 Worksheet to practice 리을+vowels.
EDIT: Added April 2, 2015 Worksheet to practice 미음+vowels.
EDIT: Added April 2, 2015 Worksheet to practice 비읍+vowels.
EDIT: Added April 2, 2015 Worksheet to practice 시옷+vowels.
EDIT: Added April 2, 2015 Worksheet to practice 이응+vowels.
EDIT: Added April 2, 2015 Worksheet to practice 지읒+vowels.
EDIT: Added April 2, 2015 Worksheet to practice 치읓+vowels.
EDIT: Added April 2, 2015 Worksheet to practice 키읔+vowels.
EDIT: Added April 2, 2015 Worksheet to practice 티읕+vowels.
EDIT: Added April 2, 2015 Worksheet to practice 피읖+vowels.
For some reason there isn't a video for 히읕.
EDIT: Added April 2, 2015 Worksheet to practice 히읕+vowels.
Now, there are 5 other constants, called 쌍 기역, 쌍 디귿, 쌍 비읍, 쌍 시옷, and 쌍 지읒.
Let Professor Oh teach you more about them:
A good video for learning the diphthongs is this one:
Here is another video going over the alphabet:
These next two are a bit long, and I admit it took some doing for me to be able to sit through them. (Sorry Jenny I found your videos to be a bit boring.)
Here is a cute series that I think is really great. The first episode has vowels and consonants. I think this is the only series I found that teaches the actual names of the consonants. I can't emphasize enough how important it is to learn the actual names of the consonants, because that teaches you how a consonant should be pronounced at the beginning and end of a syllable block.
Episode 2 has combined vowels and the rest of the consonants.
Episode 3 has the double consonants.
And episode 4 is about 받침 (the final consonant in a syllable block.)
If you would like to try writing Korean you can print this alphabet chart from WikiBooks - Learn Korean and use it.
This video from Sweetandtasty is very helpful in learning the proper stroke order so you can write words properly.
SweetandTasty also has some worksheets you can print and use to practice writing.
A better way to see letter stroke order is through these articles by WikiBooks.
Lesson 1 has 비읍, ㅏ, and 니은.
Lesson 2 has 미음, ㅣ, 리을 and 기역.
Lesson 3 has ㅗ, 디귿, 시옷 and ㅡ.
Lesson 4 has ㅜ, ㅓ, ㅔ, ㅐ, 히읕, 지읒.
Lesson 5 has 키읔, ㅑ, 티읕, 피읖, 치읓, ㅕ, ㅛ, ㅠ, ㅖ, and ㅒ.
This goes with her lesson 2 video from above, worksheet 1
worksheet 2
worksheet 3
and worksheet 4
Go HERE! if you would like to learn Korean numbers.
EDIT: April 2, 2015 added worksheets for all consonants.
EDIT: May 24, 2019 removed deleted videos.
Currently watching: 참 좋은 시절(Wonderful Days. Gogo 2PM's Taecyeon!
Currently reading:
Heartless (Parasol Protectorate Series Book 4) by Gail Carriger
I am rereading the Parasol Protectorate series again. I needed a break from some of the truly awful free Kindle books I have read lately.
Swagbucks it is how I make money for amazon gift cards!
So far I've made $5 in amazon gift cards with Swagbucks and it is only the 10th of April.