Wednesday, April 13, 2016

WIP Wednesday

I finished the eighth part of 노리개 (Norigae).

And here is where I am today:

If you have any ideas for posts you'd like to see in the future let me know!

Currently watching:

Elementary: Season 2
I do enjoy this version of Sherlock Holmes.

Currently reading:

The Martian by Andy Weir
I am reading this again! Mostly because it was already downloaded to my phone while we were travelling.

If you'd like to request that I review a book please leave a comment. Include a brief description of the book, including which genre it is. Please also note if the book is an ARC and whether you are self-published.

Swagbucks it is how I make money for amazon gift cards!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you. I'm posting pictures of the final project in just a few minutes.


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