This is where I was last week,

And here is where I am today,

This is for a friend, but I might make this again, but I would use a light blue fabric with a cloud like pattern, if I can find some that I like.
The question for this month's WIPocalypse:
What do you listen to while stitching?
I normally listen to movies or tv shows. Recently the tv shows have been Elementary: Season 3
Currently watching: Korean tv shows.
Currently reading:
The Ordinary Princess by M.M. Kaye
I book from my childhood. Read it to my daughter recently, I would highly recommend it to everyone.
If you'd like to request that I review a book please leave a comment. Include a brief description of the book, including which genre it is. Please also note if the book is an ARC and whether you are self-published.
Swagbucks it is how I make money for amazon gift cards!