Monday, May 25, 2015

My Little Kitchen Season 2 Episodes 1-4

Arirang television produced a second season of "My Little Kitchen."

Episode 1 Part 1 Ssamjang Kimchi Fried Rice.

Honestly I don't like Fabien's voice at all. I find it very grating and annoying. It is very hard for me to watch any show that features him. To me, this recipe is unappealing and I wonder what Arirang was thinking featuring this recipe. Who puts ssam-jang(쌈장) in their fried rice(볶음밥)???

Part 2 Steamed Bulgogi with Tofu.

Unfortunately more Fabien, hopefully someone else eventually narrates this program.

Episode 2 Part 1 Kimchi Jjigae (with Pork and Tomatoes).

Fabien, again. Tomatoes aren't native to Korea, so any Korean recipe you see with tomatoes in them has been altered to add them.

Part 2 Mushroom Steak Stir-Fried Rice.

I have to admit I have been fairly disappointed by this series so far. And that isn't just because of Fabien. The dishes have looked unappetizing so far.

Episode 3 Part 1 Stone bowl Rice with beef .

Cheese? Everything was okay, until they added the cheese. Luckily the cheese is easy to leave out. I'm really not liking this series.

Part 2 Rolled Omelet with Kimchi.

I was all YAY! A real Korean recipe, until they added the sugar, and then it was just yuck.

Episode 4 Part 1 Dakyukgaejang.

This actually managed to look okay.

Part 2 Gimbap.

Finally, a classic recipe, except when they put the sugar in the tuna, yuck. Hopefully the recipes will start getting better.

Currently watching: This awful series, unfortunately.

Currently reading:
EDIT: May 24, 2019 Unfortunately this book is no longer available on
Welcome to the Socialpunks (Socialpunk #1) by Monica Leonelle
I've had this book for a while, but only just got around to start reading it.

If you'd like to request that I review a book please leave a comment. Include a brief description of the book, including which genre it is. Please also note if the book is an ARC and whether you are self-published.

Swagbucks it is how I make money for amazon gift cards!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Moving to Leeds? Moving to the UK?

I haven't really written about living in Leeds, but I am collecting ideas. So, if you have any questions about moving from the US to Leeds for school, or the area in general, possibly for the military, leave me a comment. I may also be able to help if you have questions about moving to the UK in general, but I can't make any promises on that.

If you have any ideas for posts you'd like to see in the future let me know!

If you'd like to request that I review a book please leave a comment. Include a brief description of the book, including which genre it is. Please also note if the book is an ARC and whether you are self-published.

Swagbucks it is how I make money for amazon gift cards!

Monday, May 11, 2015

Weekly Korean words with Jae videos episodes 11-15 produces a youtube video every week called, "Weekly Korean words with Jae." I have reproduced the sentences they create here, because for myself I find that the subtitles go way too fast and having to stop the video every few seconds is irritating. I thought that other people may have the same problem and this might help them. I haven't corrected the English grammar of the subtitles, so you will see that some times it is a bit awkward when you read the English translation.

July 8, 2014 In the Classroom

1. Notebook 공책
책가방 안에 곤책을 넣습니다.
I put a notebook into a backpack.

2. Class 수업
저는 한국어 수업이 있습니다.
I have a Korean class.

3. Textbook 교과서
저는 한국어 교과서가 세 권 있습니다.
I have three Korean textbooks.

4. Homework 숙제
저는 오늘 밤에 숙제를 해야합니다.
I have to do my homework tonight.

5. Test 시험
저는 내일 한국어 시험이 있습니다.
I have a Korean test tomorrow.

July 15, 2014 Rooms in your house

1. Bedroom 침실
우리 부모님은 침실을 같이 사용힙니다.
My parents share a bedroom

2. Living room
우리 가족은 저녁에 거실에 모여서 함께 티비를 봅니다.
In the evening, my family watches TV together in the living room.

3. Kitchen 부억
옛닐에는 부억이 집 바깥에 있습니다.
In the old days, kitchens were placed outside the home in Korea.

4. Dressing room 옷방
한국에는 정말정말 큰 집에만 옷방이 있습니다.
In Korea, you can find a dressing room only in very very big houses.

5. Bathroom 화장실
갑자기 소식이 와서 공원에 있는 공중화장실에 갔습니다.
I suddenly got some news, so I just went to a public restroom in a park.

July 22, 2014 Solar System

1.Earth 지구
우리는 지구에 살고있습니다.
We live on the Earth.

2. Venus 금성
금성의 옛날 이름은 샛별입니다.
The old name of Venus in Korean is Saet-byeol.

3. Mars 화성
나사 화성에 로봇을 보냈습니다.
NASA sent a robot to Mars.

4. Saturn 토성
토성에는 고리가 있습니다.
Saturn has a ring.

5. Uranus 천왕성
천왕성은 지구에서정말 멀리있습니다.
Uranus is really far far far away from the Earth.

July 29, 2014 Korean Tourist Attractions

1. Geyongbok Palace 경복궁
경복궁은 1900 년대 초까지 조선의 궁궐로 사용 되었습니다.
Gyeongbok Palace was used as the palace of the Joseon Dynasty until the early 1900s.

2. Lotte World 롯데월드
비가 와도 롯데월드에서는 놀이기를 탈 수 있습니다.
Even on rainy days, you can enjoy rides at Lotte World.

3. Jeju Olle Trail 제주 올레길
제주 올레긴을 전부 다 돌 아다니는 데에는 여섯 시간이 걸립니다.
It will take about six hours to walk all the Jeju Olle Trails at once.

4. Haeundae Beach 해운대
가장 사림이 많을 때에는 해운대에 사람이 80만명 장도 있습니다.
In a peak season, you can find at the maximum of 800,000 people in a one-day in Haeundae area.

5. DMZ, Demilitarized Zone 한반도 비무장지대
한반도 비무장지대에서는 북한 군인들을 직접 불 수 있습니다.
You can see North Korean soldiers at the DMZ.

August 5, 2014 In Your Wallet

1. Health Insurance Card 의료보함증
한국에서는 외국인도 의료보함증을 만들 수 있습니다.
Foreigners can make a health insurance care in Korea.

2. Identification Card 주민등록증
주민등록증은 언제나 가지고 다녀야 합니다.
You have to carry your identification card every time.

3. Business Card 명함
한국에서 명함을 줄 때는 두 손으로 줘야합니다.
When you give your business care in Korea, you have to give it with both hands.

4. Driver's License 운전면허증
한국에서는 국제운전면허증으로 운전할 수 있습니다.
You can drive a car in South Korea with an international driver's license.

5. Cash 현금
한국 사람들은 현금을 잘 가지고 다니지 않습니다.
South Korean people usually don't hold cash.

If you have any ideas for posts you'd like to see in the future let me know!

Currently watching: reviewing other King of Food episodes for future posts!

Currently reading:

Prudence (The Custard Protocol Book 1) by Gail Carriger

If you'd like to request that I review a book please leave a comment. Include a brief description of the book, including which genre it is. Please also note if the book is an ARC and whether you are self-published.

Swagbucks it is how I make money for amazon gift cards!

Monday, May 4, 2015

The King of Food episodes 10-14

The King of Food was a series shown on the Korean television station KBS. It was also uploaded to the youtube channel KBS World TV.

The premise of the show from KBS, "What if a constitutional monarchy still exist in Korea in 2014? "'The King of Food' with picky taste, Shin Dong-yeob has invited star guests to his dinner. Guests need to answer a quiz to try rare food, which the kings used to eat. Food fighters are having a fierce battle to take the best food. Who will get the King's Food at the end?"

There is a special ingredient(s) each episode and the celebrity contestants are quizzed on their food knowledge. The team that wins gets to eat. As usual, don't watch the show if you are hungry, it'll just make it worse.

Episode 10: Meal for Heart of Steel (강철 심장)

Guests are: Um Honggil, Park Sangmin, Hong Kyungmin, Lee Seungshin, and Gang Yebin.
This episode centers on food that has the benefits for a strong heart. Um Honggil recommends mackerel, as that is what he took with him on his trek to the tops of the Himalayas. And King of Food recommends red bell peppers.

Episode 11: Feast for Menopause (갱년기)

Guests are: Dokgo Yeongjae, Jo Yunho, Kim Minhui, Hwang Sohhee and Im Yejin.
Suggested ingredients for menopause are cabbage and kudzu root.

Episode 12: Feast for Fatigue Recovery (피로회복)
EDIT: May 24, 2019 I don't know why, but KBS made this episode, and only this episode private on their youtube channel.
Guests are: Lee Mangi, Cho Jungchi, Kim Sook, Jung Joonyoung and Girl's Day Bang Minah.
Chicken and red ginseng were recommended to relieve fatigue.

Episode 13: Feast for Growth (키쑥쑥)

Guests are: Heo Gyeonghwan, Kim Jisun, R.ef's Seong Daehyeon, After School's Lizzy (Park Soo-young), and Sung Sikyung.
For growing seaweed (김) and pumpkin (단호박) also called kabocha squash are recommended.

Episode 14: Feast for Summer Vacation (피서지)

Guests are: Kim Wansun, Girl's Day Lee Hyeri, Song Jungeun, and Byeon Umin
King of Food recommends female octopus, abalone, sweetfish (은어), handmade tofu with pine nuts, sturgeon and to revive your body while on vacation. They start a new format in this episode that I don't really like.

If you have any ideas for posts you'd like to see in the future let me know!

Currently watching: reviewing other King of Food episodes for future posts!

Currently reading:

Justice Calling (The Twenty-Sided Sorceress Book 1) by Annie Bellet
Just got this book. It is/was free from Amazon.

If you'd like to request that I review a book please leave a comment. Include a brief description of the book, including which genre it is. Please also note if the book is an ARC and whether you are self-published.

Swagbucks it is how I make money for amazon gift cards!
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