Episode 1 Part 1 Ssamjang Kimchi Fried Rice.
Honestly I don't like Fabien's voice at all. I find it very grating and annoying. It is very hard for me to watch any show that features him. To me, this recipe is unappealing and I wonder what Arirang was thinking featuring this recipe. Who puts ssam-jang(쌈장) in their fried rice(볶음밥)???
Part 2 Steamed Bulgogi with Tofu.
Unfortunately more Fabien, hopefully someone else eventually narrates this program.
Episode 2 Part 1 Kimchi Jjigae (with Pork and Tomatoes).
Fabien, again. Tomatoes aren't native to Korea, so any Korean recipe you see with tomatoes in them has been altered to add them.
Part 2 Mushroom Steak Stir-Fried Rice.
I have to admit I have been fairly disappointed by this series so far. And that isn't just because of Fabien. The dishes have looked unappetizing so far.
Episode 3 Part 1 Stone bowl Rice with beef .
Cheese? Everything was okay, until they added the cheese. Luckily the cheese is easy to leave out. I'm really not liking this series.
Part 2 Rolled Omelet with Kimchi.
I was all YAY! A real Korean recipe, until they added the sugar, and then it was just yuck.
Episode 4 Part 1 Dakyukgaejang.
This actually managed to look okay.
Part 2 Gimbap.
Finally, a classic recipe, except when they put the sugar in the tuna, yuck. Hopefully the recipes will start getting better.
Currently watching: This awful series, unfortunately.
Currently reading:
EDIT: May 24, 2019 Unfortunately this book is no longer available on Amazon.com
Welcome to the Socialpunks (Socialpunk #1) by Monica Leonelle
I've had this book for a while, but only just got around to start reading it.
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