Matched by Ally Condie Paperback: 416 pages Publisher: Speak (2011) Rating: 2 out of 5 stars I have to admit I really didn't care for this book. I'm really starting to hate the trend of Dystopian books where people are separated for bizarre (i.e. dumb) reasons with no real explanations for the separations. (E.g. The Hunger Games |
So, I've read a few reviews where people compare (actually most say stolen) the book to Lowis Lowry's The Giver
I think part of why it was hard for me to read this book was I had just finished Glass Sword by Victoria Aveyard
Currently watching:
Elementary: Season 3
I really like that Lucy Liu's Joan Watson isn't seen as a love interest for Jonny Lee Miller's Sherlock Holmes. I think that it is great that Watson, after spending time with Holmes and learning from him, is shown as a competent detective in her own right.
Currently reading:
The Seafront Tearoom by Vanessa Greene
Not something that I would normally read, since it isn't genre fiction! But we'll see how it goes. It does involve tea, lots of tea, and I do love tea.
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