2. Bloomers or a good underskirt. I need something to go under my skirt, perhaps a white underskirt or white bloomers. I have bloomers picked out, ones that match the shirt above, http://www.fanplusfriend.com/servlet/the-933/Gothic-Lolita-Long-Pleated/Detail but again for the same reason, not enough time to arrive for the convention.
3. A parasol. I would like to get a good solid parasol, if not I have this one picked out, http://www.etsy.com/listing/117249335/lace-parasol-turquoise-and-blue?ref=shop_home_active I don't prefer a lace parasol, but I do like the way the dye is on the lace. Unfortunately they old ship within the US. I might have to get my Father to ship it to me in Leeds, if I don't find something I like more at the convention.
4. Cuffs for the wrist seem to be becoming a very popular steampunk accessory. I would like to find some blue leather and lace ones, or figure out how to make them myself, or I might consider getting archer's bracers. I haven't found anything that I like yet, so there is a lot of opportunity here.
5. I would like a belt of some kind, preferably black leather, something I could hang accessories off of. Right now I am using a belly dancing belt that I reclaim, but it is all metal and bells, and not nice to fabric, it likes to snag on things. So, I would like to find something that I could hang my fan on, or a tea cup, a parasol or whatever.
Those are my wish things right now. I'm sure I will be tempted a lot at Dragon*Con, but I have a limited budget and limited space for shipping things to England.
I need to develop my character a bit more, and figure out how to do my hair or practice putting up my hair.
Currently watching:
The Human Condition Episode 2 Season 2: Living without creating trash. This is a great Korean variety show that has 6 comedians living together for a week doing different things, like living without cellphones, electricity, or water. It shows how much modern societies waste.
Currently reading:
Little Women (AmazonClassics Edition) by Louisa May Alcott
Such a great classic. I hope Jasmine enjoys it too when she is older.
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