I missed actually posting last Wednesday, but I did take a picture:

I'm actually a little late this week too, but I'm going to just back date the post, (shhh, it'll be our secret.)

I'll take another picture once I have the hoop painted and it is all finished. I really enjoyed this one, it took a tiny bit less than a month to make (and probably would have taken less time if I worked on it every day.) I plan on making it again, but definitely with a different coloured Aida, perhaps a marbled blue, might look a bit more like sky and clouds, also it is very hard to tell the clouds apart from the white Aida (I've just noticed I didn't finish a section of the coulds!)
P.S. Forgot to mention I'll be doing Seashell Treasures by Dimensions next.
Currently watching: Person of Interest.
Currently reading:
Murder Most Unladylike: A Wells & Wong Mystery Book 1 by Robin Stevens
The first in a series, I'm reading them to Jasmine. We've already bought the second book, Arsenic For Tea
If you'd like to request that I review a book please leave a comment. Include a brief description of the book, including which genre it is. Please also note if the book is an ARC and whether you are self-published.
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