Thursday, April 30, 2015

Hogwarts Crest cross stitch

Here is my current project, I saw this picture on pinterest and knew that I wanted to start making it right away. Jasmine has over 2 years until her 11th birthday, but we want to do a Harry Potter themed birthday using the first book.
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Which started me looking for the pattern, which I did find here

I also found Scienceandart's modification ideas on Deviant Art, which you can see here

I didn't like that Hufflepuff's background color was blue, and that Ravenclaw's was a lighter blue, so I started making modifications to the chart in my head.

So, here are my supplies, except I forgot to get a background yellow for Hufflepuff.
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Here is about 3 hours of work. I was thinking here that I was going to regret that upper left serif on the right side of the H. I wanted to change the H color, because I didn't want it to seem that Hogwarts would favor Gryffindor. So, I wanted to make it look a bit more like stone.
EDIT: May 24, 2019 Photobucket started charging for hosting pictures, I am looking for a new place to keep my pictures, hopefully this one will be back soon.
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Here is almost 6 hours of work. Yeah, I am regretting that corner of the H, even more so now that the lighter grey is filled in.
EDIT: May 24, 2019 Photobucket started charging for hosting pictures, I am looking for a new place to keep my pictures, hopefully this one will be back soon.
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And here is just over 10 hours. I went back and changed the color to black on that upper right side of the H, I think it looks much better now.
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Currently watching: reviewing other King of Food episodes for future posts!

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